VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Destination > Long Bien Bridge

Visit Long Bien Bridge

Long Bien Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City, VietNam

Long Bien Bridge is the bridge known as the “historical witness” of our country. Through many ups and downs of time and historical events, the bridge still stands tall and becomes one of the symbols of Hanoi. 

Cầu Long Biên - biểu tượng của một Hà Nội đầy cổ kính

Long Bien Bridge – a symbol of an ancient Hanoi (Photo: ST)

About Long Bien Bridge

Hanoi has Long Bien bridge

Both long and wide on the Red River

Train and car travel leisurely

People are busy carrying burdens up and down


Long Bien Bridge  is the first steel bridge across the Red River connecting the two districts of Hoan Kiem and Long Bien of Hanoi. The bridge was built by France from 1898 to 1902 under the then Governor General of Indochina, Doumer. The bridge is 2290m ​​long across the river and 896m long leading bridge, the bridge consists of 19 steel beam spans placed on 20 pillars with unique architecture. The bridge is designed with a single railway running in the middle and two lanes for bicycles and pedestrians on both sides.

One thing that few people know about the bridge is that it was once the second longest bridge in the world (only after the Brooklyn Bridge over the East-River in the US), even called the horizontal Eiffel Tower. of Hanoi.

Cầu Long Biên đã từng là cây cầu dài thứ hai Thế giới

Long Bien Bridge was once the second longest bridge in the world (Photo: ST)

Historical events associated with Long Bien Bridge

Long Bien Bridge has witnessed the most important milestones of the nation. The two biggest resistance wars of our nation are the resistance war against the French colonialists and then the resistance war against the US imperialists.

In 1945, when Uncle Ho read the Declaration of Independence at Ba Dinh Square, the bridge became the span leading thousands of suburban residents to Uncle Ho, the people were happy and proud, no matter how happy the bridge was, Record that moment.

Cầu Long Biên những năm 1940

Long Bien Bridge in 1940 (Photo: ST)

In October 1954, Hanoi was flooded with flags and flowers celebrating the liberation of the capital, Long Bien bridge was also standing there and witnessing the joy of the nation. And then 21 years later, the bridge once again witnessed the joy of independence and reunification, the South was liberated. Just like that, through more than 100 years of history, the bridge is no longer an inanimate object, it is like a companion to each of our people and country.

Cây cầu đã chứng kiến những vui buồn của Thủ đô

The bridge has witnessed the joys and sorrows of the capital (Photo: ST)

Interesting activities around Long Bien Bridge

See Hanoi from above

Long Bien Bridge  is probably the bridge associated with memories, the bridge that young people often drive out to stop to enjoy the wind one day to catch up or one day to feel the need for an open space to breathe. The bridge is also a place where students often gather to sit down and sing happily, a place to keep our youthful memories.

Khung cảnh tấp nập và sầm uất xung quanh

Busy and bustling scene around (Photo: ST)

Cafe Tran Nhat Duat

Tran Nhat Duat cafe, on the 4th floor with open space, you can see the Long Bien bridge in the distance. Coming here, you can both enjoy a cup of coffee, chat and look out into the distance to see the ancient bridge, the red river stone beach, the busy market and a large area of ​​space. This place will give you another perspective of Long Bien Bridge, that is, a view from above instead of looking straight or looking “knuckled” from below the Red River rock.

Góc chụp khiến ta mơ màng nhớ về Hà Nội những năm xưa cũ

The shooting angle makes us dreamy about Hanoi in the old years (Photo: ST)

Eat winter baked corn

When winter comes, Long Bien Bridge will really become the most ideal place to sit back and eat grilled corn, enjoy the cool air and wind whistling in your ears and reach for the warmth from the fire. together.

Hơ tay lấy hơi ấm mùa đông bên lò nướng ngô khoai

Warm up your hands for winter warmth by the corn and potato oven (Photo: ST)

Going to the Red River rock beach to take pictures

Red river rock beach is probably no longer a strange place for young people because this place is a familiar shooting spot for many people, the vast, green scenery will surely make you take beautiful pictures. It’s like being in a grassland. From Long Bien bridge, you move down to the area at the foot of the bridge, go deep inside the roads hidden by the trees below, ask the way, the people here will show you to the place where the Red River rock is floating. language okay.

Bãi đá sông Hồng xanh ngắt ngay chân cầu Long Biên

Red river stone beach is green at the foot of Long Bien bridge (Photo: ST)

Hopefully, the above interesting information about  Long Bien Bridge  will help you love more about the bridge associated with the heroic and tragic years of our ancestors. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.