VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Destination > Temple Da District

Visit Temple Da District

Hung Dao Wards, Cao Bang City, Cao Bang Province, VietNam

Da District Pagoda is located in Hung Dao Commune, Hoa An District, Cao Bang. Formerly, Da District village (named Da Duke Mac Ngoc Lien – famous general of the Mac dynasty, Xuan Linh commune, Thach Lam province, opposite Vien Minh pagoda (the temple founded in the Mac dynasty).


Da District Pagoda was built in the early 17th century, during the reign of King Can Thong (Mac Kinh Cung) to worship Da Duke Mac Ngoc Lien. In the temple, there are two bells four meters high, five inches high, eight feet nine inches in circumference, weighing one ton. 


Temple Da District

Da District Pagoda – Photo: Collectibles


Temple Da District

Da District Pagoda – Photo: Collectibles


Two bells hang on both sides of the attic of the Hong Lien temple to worship Princess Hong Lien. Big bell: 1.75 m high, 1.07 m wide mouth. Small bell: 1m55 high, 0m95 wide mouth. Both are cast in copper alloy. Every spring-autumn festival, the bell rings, the bell rings like thunder, shaking hundreds of miles. Da District pagoda bell is a precious cultural heritage of the nation, a relic worthy of being preserved and handed down. Every year, Cao Bang people go to Da District pagoda festival on January 9.


Temple Da District

The original Da District Pagoda – Photo: Collectibles


Temple Da District

Temple of Quan Vu Dynasty – Duong Tu Minh – Photo: Collectibles

The two bells of Da District pagoda are among the big bells in our country. Both are cast in copper alloy, have long turned cast iron color. Two such bells, but the hanging straps are very short and only about 20cm high, making the bell shape appear to be dwarfed and rafted. Both bells have a very strong, plump shape.


Simple decoration with flared mouth but plain. Mainly four groups of longitudinal ribs and one group of transverse ridges about 1/3 of the bell body (from bottom to top). The meeting place of these groups of horizontal and vertical edges forms the knob. In addition, at the end of the two groups of vertical bezels, opposite each other, there are also knobs.


Temple Da District

Da District Pagoda – Photo: Collectibles


Temple Da District

Da District Pagoda at night – Photo: Collectibles


All 6 knobs are big and clear. These knobs have the same structure: inside is a circle, outside is a high floating lotus, including 12 square petals. Around the shoulder of the bell, there is also a group of horizontal ridges to separate the top of the flat bell, where there is a hanging pot, a pair of dragons connected in opposite directions at the chest. These dragons all have long crests, short and fat horns, smooth combed hair, and fat bodies.

In general, the bell shape and bell decoration are sculptural, genuine, airy and rustic. Shapes and lines are clear. Therefore, at a glance, we were able to connect with history and feel that both bells represent most likely characteristics of relics of the late Mac period.


Temple Da District

One of the two bells – Photo: Collectibles


Temple Da District

One of the two bells – Photo: Collectibles

In terms of text, even the bell’s name, which is usually found in high embossed letters, is absent in both bells. At first glance, the bell face does not see the Inscription, but if you look closely, you will see that the face of the small bell has square letters engraved in all the boxes. In which, the cells in the upper half have faded almost all of the text, the cells in the lower half are even clearer. There is engraved the first part of the text, most of which are read in square Chinese characters praising the beauty of Thach Lam at that time and the restoration of Vien Minh pagoda after the Le Dynasty restored Cao Bang land.


Temple Da District

The handle of the bell – Photo: Collectibles

If you have the opportunity to come to Cao Bang, you should not miss a sightseeing tour of Da District Pagoda, so that you can find a peaceful place, dispel all fatigue and worries of life and discover the beauty of nature. culture and traditions here. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.