Visit Thu Le Park

Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi City, VietNam

Located between the crowded streets of Hanoi, but this place is like a separate space from the noise and bustle outside, allowing visitors to enjoy the fresh air and mingle with nature. We are talking about Thu Le Park, a pretty famous park in Hanoi. What’s special about Thu Le Park, how much is the ticket price for Thu Le Park in Hanoi? Invite visitors with Viet Fun Travel to find out through the following article!


About Thu Le Park

Thu Le  Park, also known as Hanoi Zoo, is located about 5km west of Hanoi city center. Thu Le Park is located on the territory of the old Thu Le village. This is an ancient village dating back to the Ly Dynasty, around the 11th century.

Many legends about this village are associated with the legend of Thanh Linh Lang worshiping in Voi Phuc temple.

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Thu Le Park seen from above

Perhaps it is for this reason that the park is called Thu Le. And not only a place of entertainment and entertainment,  Thu Le Park  is also considered a historical relic, bringing many cultural and spiritual values ​​to the people of Hanoi. This is currently considered one of the many favorites.

Thu Le Park has a total area of ​​about 29 hectares with quite narrow terrain including a tear-shaped lake and a strip of land running around the lake. The work items in the park are built on a relatively small scale, with a relatively low construction density, in order to create harmony with nature.

What’s attractive about Thu Le Park?

One of the most attractive points in  Thu Le Park  is the zoo with many different areas. Since 1993, Thu Le Park (Thu Le Zoo) has joined the Association of Southeast Asian Zoos, expanding cooperation with many zoos and international animal conservation organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund. Of course, World Pheasant Conservation…

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One of the most attractive spots in Thu Le Park is the zoo

The park currently concentrates many rare and precious animals from amphibious reptiles, to birds, mammals… there are nearly 600 individuals of more than 100 species including: 5 amphibious reptiles, 40 saltwater fish species, 35 animals, 50 species of birds…

After many years of conservation, breeding, and collection… the zoo at Thu Le Park has more than 40 rare endemic species listed in the Vietnam Red Book such as fire leopards, Indochinese tigers, leopards, leopards, leopards, and chickens. white-tailed pheasant, Tam Dao toad fish, pheasant…

In particular, in the zoo, there are many species of special significance of historical value such as a pair of Japanese cranes (a gift from Prime Minister Kim Nhat Thanh to Uncle Ho since 1960); a pair of pythons sent by General Vo Nguyen Giap to the Zoo; civets and crocodiles from Lieutenant General Commander of the Truong Son army – Dinh Duc Thien donated to the Zoo, and Vientiane deer from Prime Minister Pham Van Dong donated to the Zoo…

Coming to Thu Le Park Zoo, visitors can visit the reptile area including crocodiles, lizards, snakes, pythons… The reptile area is located on a high mound with a lake.

This helps to create a natural and ideal living space for reptiles. In addition to the lake, people also arrange a number of caves to match the behavior of amphibians.

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Reptile area in Thu Le Park

Next to the reptile area, visitors will come to the bird area. This place gathers countless species of birds from singing birds such as bacon, nightingale, starling … to peacocks, cranes, storks, pheasants, lovebirds, cranes… The bird area is quite large, running all the way to Voi Phuc Temple.

After the bird area, visitors will discover a very attractive area, that is the zoo. Here, visitors have the opportunity to observe with their own eyes many species of wild animals – the “lord of the jungle” in extreme extremes, such as lions, leopards, tigers, bears…

These animals are raised in a cage system designed to simulate natural caves. Located to the north of Thu Le Park is a dense orchard. This place keeps many species of ungulates such as goats, deer, deer…

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Tiger cage at Thu Le Park

In addition to the zoo,  Thu Le Park  also has many green areas, children’s play areas, circuses…

Ticket price for Thu Le Park in Hanoi

The ticket price for entrance to Thu Le Park in Hanoi  is currently  30,000 VND/ticket/person for adults  and  20,000 VND/ticket/person for children . Opening hours are from 7am to 6pm every day of the week. However, this fare information Viet Fun only updated to the time of writing. It is possible that ticket prices will change from time to time. You can find more information from other sources. Viet Fun will continue to update when there is new price information.

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The ticket price for entrance to Thu Le Park in Hanoi is currently 30,000 VND/ticket/person for adults and 20,000 VND/ticket/person for children. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.