VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Destination > Hai Thuong Ecotourism Area

Visit Hai Thuong Ecotourism Area

Son Trung Wards, Huong Son District, Ha Tinh province, VietNam

Hai Thuong cultural-ecological tourist area is located in the west of Minh Tu mountain, on the other side is the tomb and monument of Dai Danh physician Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac. From afar, this place looks like an airbag that can only be filled when it is balanced by the spiritual elements of a converging sacred land.

Overview of Hai Thuong Eco-Cultural Tourist Area

Minh Tu Mountain is one of the sacred mountains of Thien Nhan mountain range – where the spiritual energy of 4 large mountain ranges converges: “Sub-Hung Son mountain in the west, Ke Son mountain in the south, Dai Ham mountain in front. The “Tiger” citadel, Thien Nhan mountain in the north, round the “Long” citadel, this is a very stellar land.

Located entirely in the land at the location “The dragon and white tiger” where Minh Tu Son temple is located, the temple is not big but very sacred, in the middle is a horizontal painting “Long-lasting principle”  fill  ); The left side is the couplet sentence “Tu Qi Nhat Bao Luu Viet History” (  a sacred air that is still preserved in the history books of Vietnam  ), the right side is the sentence “Hung Phong ancient history nostalgic god” (  Strong wind from the time of Hungry King ). Vuong)  ; in the middle of worshiping the god of the mountain, the god of the river. Standing in the middle of the main pavilion looking ahead is a spiritual axis including the Temple; Fountain (  there is a stone bearing the image of a mother holding her child sitting on the Throne); Tam Quan gate, about 7 degrees southwest, 2.5 km away is Tuong Son Pagoda, about 7 km further is Hai Thuong church in Son Quang commune (  now Quang Diem commune)  .

Going back to the fairyland area, the first destination is through the gate  of “Fairy Huong Son  ” and when we turn around, we will see  “The Thousand Kings Land”  (Emperor Land; coming here, leaving many unforgettable questions). Visit the garden of statues of 18 Arhats arranged according to their own characteristics suitable for monks, in a landscape that is blended with grass, trees, flowers and leaves of the Minh Tu mountainside. Climbing the high mountain is expected to place the statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin. In this area, the Creator has arranged 3 stone steps in the style of Heaven – Human – Earth.

Along the mountainside, along the Ho Chi Minh road is an entertainment area that recreates the historical spaces of the war years that our army and people have created a legend in the history of the nation. . With the idea throughout the theme: “Past – Present – Future”.

Tam Quan Gate to Hai Thuong Eco-Cultural Tourist Area

Truong Son road (Ho Chi Minh trail) was a strategic military traffic network running all the way from the North to the South of Vietnam, passing through lower Laos and Cambodia. Bat and Truong Mung. Today, Ho Chi Minh road only passes through Truong Mung – this place still preserves many vestiges of soldiers and citizens who stayed and organized many activities on Truong Mung slope, typically the longan tree by the stream. Many folk stories are still told, here in the past, the soldiers, soldiers and citizens sat here to eat longan, leave seeds, and grow into this lush tree. Currently, in the space of this amusement park, the rest and relaxation spots of soldiers and citizens are recreated in the space of this amusement park, such as: two soldiers sitting and reading letters from each other’s house, the fairy beach of the ladies. young girls volunteering,

The mud bath area is a modern and monumental investment project and is linked with other amusement parks and resorts to create a very interesting resort experience. There is a 4-star hotel with 10 rooms, including mud baths; There are 02 VIP rooms to serve the needs of guests. The system of outdoor mud baths is very modern, with a solar energy system that ensures a temperature of over 100  C to supply water to serve for sludge incubation and to serve water for the process of making clean water and domestic water. There is a water storage tank with a capacity of 50m  serving water sources in the area and watering trees.

Modern mud bath…

Raw material sludge warehouse has a large warehouse and 02 modern sludge tanks. Mud is produced by NaNo technology (Clay mud) according to Japanese technology, mined at a depth of 4m in Da Lat. After the sludge is transported to the warehouse and then put into 2 tanks for treatment, the process of processing through hot water takes about 4 hours, then the sludge is expanded, then it is led to the finished sludge warehouse for service. visitors at the baths. The outdoor mud bath system has an open space to serve the collective for guests to bathe together, passing through the spray pump system to create a sense of excitement when entering the mud bath, there is a double mud bath for couples, boys and girls. husband and children. In this space, there are points such as: relaxation house, sports house, gymnasium, storage area and clean after mud bath, Waterfall bathing area and outdoor music area.

Coming to Hai Thuong Eco-Cultural Tourist Area, we have the opportunity to learn more about the life and career of Hai Thuong Great Physician Lan Ong Le Huu Trac – He is a great physician of the nation but a sage. of the people of Huong Son. So, when he passed away, all his love and respect was turned into mountains and rivers to remember him.

Temple of Minh Tu Son


During his lifetime, the Le Huu family lived in Huong Son and personally the great physician Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac and many other members of the clan had ordained as a monk at Tuong Son pagoda or took refuge in the bodhichitta precepts at the temple. When he died, he was buried under Canh Kite Mountain. Therefore, the people here have named this mountain as Minh Tu mountain. Minh Tu is the light of the Buddha’s cultivation place (  Minh = morning; Self = Temple) . Legend has it that this is also the place where the kite string landed when Hai Thuong’s flute kite fell at Canh Kite mountain. It is said that in 1782 Le Huu Trac was summoned to the palace to treat Lord Trinh, after nearly a year in the Lord’s palace, one day he went up to the Chief of Staff to say that there was a great epidemic in his hometown, many times the letter urged him to but do not care, now the matter is too urgent to ask for mercy. Approved by the Chief of Staff and praised for his merits during his stay at the Lord’s Palace, he was rewarded with 50 francs of money and many other rewards, but he only received 10 francs. The great mandarin said: “The people’s merits are worthy of being rewarded and if there is any wish to be rewarded, the great physician Le Huu Trac immediately replied: the people have a hobby of flying kites and just want a flute.” kite to satisfy pleasure is very satisfying,

View of Hai Thuong eco-cultural tourist area

Beautiful scenery…

Beautiful scene in front of Arhat statue park…

Returning to Huong Son with his kite flute, he had his disciples attach the flute to the kite that he normally flies, but because the kite is small, the flute is large, so when the kite flies up, the wind doesn’t sound enough, then Le Huu Trac to make the kite bigger, when the kite was flying high, the sound of the stars’ pinching made everyone’s hearts happy, but because the kite string was small, the string stretched and the string was stretched, Le Huu Trac immediately pondered, after a while he told the crew. disciples: ”  I am a subject of great grace from the court, but this is a harbinger of my life, and immediately told the disciples where the kite fell, there when I died I was buried  ” and in the tomb. Currently in Son Trung commune is his burial place.

Coming to Hai Thuong eco-cultural tourism area, we will be immersed in the space of Le Hoi Lan Ong – A national intangible cultural heritage with activities of offering incense at the grave; worship at the church, pray for supplication, pray for peace, pray for health, pray for the family to always have peace and luck, people send their dreams and aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous life and express their hearts. gratitude: drink water to remember the source to satisfy the spiritual and religious needs of all people to express deep gratitude to the great merits of Hai Thuong Lan and Le Huu Trac for his homeland and country.

Recreate the image of Truong Son soldiers singing to each other when they stopped on the marching ground

…. And read each other’s letters from home


The image of the youth volunteering to bathe by the stream when the gunfire is silent


Coming here, we will feel the spiritual support to ease the pain and loss, bring faith in the good, noble and sacred things, help people overcome all fears, bring people to life. Restoring serenity and balance in the soul, creating depth and vitality of community and national culture in the current period of national development. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.