The following are the detailed travel experiences of Ban Xoi that share to help you best prepare for an interesting journey when coming here.
How to get to Ban Xoi Valley?
Xoi village is a tourist destination in Ba Vi district, about 45km from the center of Hanoi. Visitors can choose to follow Highway 32 or Thang Long Boulevard. On the way, there are many signpost systems that are very easy to go, just follow the signs and you can get here easily.
Coming to Xoi village, you can travel by motorbike, passenger car, or personal car. It is best for tourists to travel by private vehicle if they are familiar with the way or have a guide, and if traveling by bus, when they are close to the village, there will be a motorbike taxi service to take them to the place. The price of motorbike taxi here is also very cheap, so you do not need to worry too much about the cost and transportation problems.
Tickets to Ban Xoi Ba Vi valley
Ticket price to enter the valley of Xoi Ba Vi village is only 30,000 VND/person and you can visit a dreamy, wild and mysterious place with lovely ethnic-style stilt houses and interesting games. attractive taste when coming to Ban Xoi Valley.
What does the Xoi version have?
According to Ban Xoi travel experience, there are small islands with large lawns for many people to play and picnic activities such as cooking, campfire (up to 100 people/picnic). The central lawn in the middle of the Xoi village restaurant has a system of small houses on stilts, swinging together, balancing on wood, very suitable for young people to have fun and take pictures.
Many entertainment venues are also a factor that makes Ban Xoi more attractive than anywhere else, the diverse space with many different forms gives visitors different feelings along with fresh and sweet nature. sweet.
A row of houses on stilts by the lake in Ban Xoi
In addition, next to the large stilt house, there is a cooking area, a balcony overlooking the lake, very suitable for sitting and relaxing, sipping a few cups of coffee, drinking tea, scattering stories outside of life and eating. commemorative photo shoot. Sitting on the grass above the shore and watching the mysterious shimmering beauty of the water sparkling with lights at night will be an extremely interesting idea for those who like this romantic space.
Camping around Ban Xoi
What to eat when coming to Ban Xoi?
Coming to Ban Xoi, you will enjoy delicious, typical dishes prepared and cooked by the locals themselves. Most of the dishes are simple and rustic dishes such as pork man, grilled chicken, lake fish, wild vegetables or lam rice. The special thing is that the dishes in Ban Xoi are all processed from local food sources, ensuring food hygiene, very safe and clean. Guests can comfortably enjoy delicious food here without worrying about the quality. The price of food in Ban Xoi is also very affordable, rest assured that there will be no price cuts here.
Simple, familiar, and rustic dishes in Ban Xoi
Some notes before going
According to the reviews of visitors, Ban Xoi does not have many motels and hotels like other tourist destinations. Therefore, before traveling to Ban Xoi, you should prepare a reservation in advance to avoid not having a room. For those who travel in groups, who often camp overnight or have a campfire, they can prepare to rest at the campsite.
If you go with a large number of people, you can rent a house on stilts to sleep overnight. The rent for a house on stilts in Ban Xoi is 2,000,000 VND/night. You can deposit in advance by bank transfer to reserve your place if you go out on the weekend.
Another note is that before coming to Ban Xoi, visitors should equip themselves with other personal items such as toilet paper, face towels, or other items depending on the needs of each person to be able more active, because there are not many shops selling consumer goods in the village.
Above is’s share about the latest Ban Xoi travel experience, wish you interesting and useful experiences!
Source: Collected internet.