The specialties of each region of Vietnam carry within themselves the local lifestyle and the quintessence of nature there. The North cherishes delicate recipes, like a delicious bowl of bun thang that must be prepared for many hours. In the Central region, royal culinary traditions and typical spices blend in unique dishes such as lotus rice or spring rolls. Southern braised fish and sour soup come from abundant seafood resources, the pride of the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam has an area of 331,690 km², located in the east of the Indochina peninsula, in Southeast Asia. Sharing a border with three countries, Vietnam borders China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, and the East Sea to the east. In 2019, Vietnam's population was more than 96 million people, ranking 13th in the world. Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is the second largest city with 6.2 million people, after Ho Chi Minh City, 8.8 million people.

Vietnamese people or Vietnamese people (sometimes simply called Vietnamese people) is a common noun to refer to the ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam. Some people believe that the origin of the Vietnamese people comes from ancient peoples living on the Chinese mainland, or the Tibetan plateau, others believe that the main origin is from the indigenous Vietnamese people. But based on recent research results, considering the formation of Vietnamese ethnic groups in the formation of other ethnic groups in the region, it can be said that all Vietnamese ethnic groups have the same origin. original, that is the Ancient Malay strain...

Officially Vietnamese (the language of the Vietnamese (Kinh) people). This is the mother tongue of about 85% of the Vietnamese population, along with nearly three million overseas Vietnamese, most of whom are Vietnamese Americans. Vietnamese is also the second language of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Although Vietnamese has vocabulary borrowed from Chinese and previously used Chinese characters (Confucian script) to write, then converted to Nom script, today Vietnamese uses the Latin alphabet, called Quoc Ngu. , with diacritics to write...