Hello friends! Greetings are always valued by Vietnamese people in communication, it seems to bring smoothness and luck to a new beginning or a new day. Vietnamese people have a saying "Greetings are higher than the feast" to show respect and politeness in communication with the other person. Greetings also show the friendliness and hospitality of Vietnamese people. So, wherever you go in Vietnam or whoever you meet, you will receive a greeting!

It's the economy of a developing country. From a poor and populous country, Vietnam has gradually recovered and developed after the devastation of war, the loss of financial aid from the former socialist bloc, and the weakness of its economy. concentrated economy. After 1986, with the Doi Moi Policy, Vietnam's economy made great progress and achieved an average economic growth rate of about 9% annually from 1993 to 1997. GDP growth was 8.5% in 1997, it decreased to 4% in 1998 due to the impact of the 1997 Asian economic crisis, and increased to 4.8% in 1999...

Co To island district, Quang Ninh province is the only place in the country where President Ho Chi Minh agreed to erect a statue of him during his lifetime. Over more than half a century, the monument of President Ho Chi Minh facing the East Sea has always had a special place in the hearts of the people of the island district in particular and the whole country in general...

With the support of the local government and cultural sector, 132 Ba Na ethnic households, Ro Ngao branch in Kon Trang Long Loi village, Dak Ha town, Dak Ha district, Kon Tum province built Successful Community Tourism Village, a destination for tourists from near and far when coming to Kon Tum. With the opening of a new economic industry, community tourism is helping people in Kon Trang Long Loi earn more income and improve their lives. This is also a good opportunity for people to preserve and promote traditional cultural values.