Enter the name of the tourist destination, the name of the Province/City, the District/District, the Commune/Ward...
The North and North Central regions have a humid subtropical climate with 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The Central and South Central regions have a tropical monsoon climate, the extreme South Central and Southern regions have tropical savanna characteristics. At the same time, it is directly influenced by the trade monsoon climate, which often blows in low latitudes. The South often has a tropical savanna climate, hot and humid with two seasons: dry season and rainy season (from April-May to October-November). Every year, the cold and humid winter typical of the North contrasts with the warm atmosphere of Tet and spring in the South.
Hello friends! Greetings are always valued by Vietnamese people in communication, it seems to bring smoothness and luck to a new beginning or a new day. Vietnamese people have a saying "Greetings are higher than the feast" to show respect and politeness in communication with the other person. Greetings also show the friendliness and hospitality of Vietnamese people. So, wherever you go in Vietnam or whoever you meet, you will receive a greeting!
Vietnamese people or Vietnamese people (sometimes simply called Vietnamese people) is a common noun to refer to the ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam. Some people believe that the origin of the Vietnamese people comes from ancient peoples living on the Chinese mainland, or the Tibetan plateau, others believe that the main origin is from the indigenous Vietnamese people. But based on recent research results, considering the formation of Vietnamese ethnic groups in the formation of other ethnic groups in the region, it can be said that all Vietnamese ethnic groups have the same origin. original, that is the Ancient Malay strain...
As a province in the Southeast region, Binh Phuoc is known for its pristine and idyllic beauty. In recent years, Binh Phuoc is emerging as an interesting place to visit and explore for domestic and foreign tourists.