Festivals are one of the special features in Vietnamese culture. The diversity of ethnic religions makes Vietnam one of the countries with many festivals. Festivals are held to commemorate cultural events. Community spirit is the essence of every festival. There are two parts to festivals: ceremony and festival. The ceremony is to express respect for divinity and people's dreams of health, wealth, luck and happiness for themselves and their loved ones. Festivals are unique features of culture, community, religion, etc. The two biggest traditional festivals are Lunar New Year and Hung King's Death Anniversary. During Lunar New Year, each region has other festivals to celebrate such as Lim Festival in Bac Ninh province, Giong Festival in Soc Son, Perfume Pagoda Festival in Hanoi. Hung King's death anniversary is held every year from the 8th to the 11th of the third lunar month. It is organized so that everyone remembers their roots. With many landscapes recognized by UNESCO as world natural heritage and a wealth of unique regional cultural spaces, Vietnam is a legendary land and also a storehouse of attractive material for filmmakers to exploit. long lasting waterfall.

Vietnam is the homeland of diverse bloodlines. The community of 54 ethnic groups is divided into hundreds of smaller groups. Each ethnic minority maintains its own culture, with its own rituals, costumes, and language. The best way to learn about them is through practical experiences such as living with indigenous people, or learning how to weave fabric with unique patterns. National culture is always an attractive highlight of Vietnamese tourism.

Vietnam is a country with 54 different ethnic groups, each of which has its own unique and impressive culture and identity. It is this difference in ethnic composition that has contributed to creating a very diverse, rich and unique beauty for Vietnam's culture that no other country can replace. Customs in Vietnam have a long tradition spanning thousands of years, it has become customary law, deep and firmly embedded in the hearts of every Vietnamese person.

Nha Rong Wharf and Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Branch, at 1 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City. This place not only displays artifacts associated with his life and career, but also especially marks the event that on June 5, 1911, President Ho Chi Minh left Vietnam from Nha Rong Harbor to begin his journey. traveling around the world to find a way to save the country and liberate the nation from the yoke of French colonialism...