Enter the name of the tourist destination, the name of the Province/City, the District/District, the Commune/Ward...
The streets paint the lives of Vietnamese people. The streets here are not just for traveling. Streets and sidewalks are also places to shop, eat, meet for a cup of coffee, get a haircut or rest. Big cities are always full of life with the roar of millions of motorbikes, where you can feel a constant source of energy bubbling on every street.
According to the ups and downs of the nation's history, Vietnamese customs and practices are constantly being innovated according to social trends. One of the oldest and most influential customs in history is the custom of chewing betel. This is a custom that dates back to the Hung King period and originates from the legend of Trau Areca and this custom has become a typical image of the brotherhood and love between husband and wife of Vietnamese people. Not only the custom of chewing betel, Vietnam also has another custom that was born in ancient times, which is the custom of welcoming the new year, also known as Tet - traditional Tet.
Vietnamese people or Vietnamese people (sometimes simply called Vietnamese people) is a common noun to refer to the ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam. Some people believe that the origin of the Vietnamese people comes from ancient peoples living on the Chinese mainland, or the Tibetan plateau, others believe that the main origin is from the indigenous Vietnamese people. But based on recent research results, considering the formation of Vietnamese ethnic groups in the formation of other ethnic groups in the region, it can be said that all Vietnamese ethnic groups have the same origin. original, that is the Ancient Malay strain...
Religion in Vietnam is quite diverse, including Buddhism (both Mahayana, Theravada and some modified groups such as Hoa Hao, Tu An Hieu Nghia); Christianity (including Catholicism and Protestantism); endogenous religions such as Cao Dai; and some other religions (Hinduism and Islam). Different types of folk beliefs also have a lot of influence. The majority of Vietnamese people consider themselves non-religious, even though they still go to religious sites several times a year...