Enter the name of the tourist destination, the name of the Province/City, the District/District, the Commune/Ward...
The specialties of each region of Vietnam carry within themselves the local lifestyle and the quintessence of nature there. The North cherishes delicate recipes, like a delicious bowl of bun thang that must be prepared for many hours. In the Central region, royal culinary traditions and typical spices blend in unique dishes such as lotus rice or spring rolls. Southern braised fish and sour soup come from abundant seafood resources, the pride of the Mekong Delta.
According to the ups and downs of the nation's history, Vietnamese customs and practices are constantly being innovated according to social trends. One of the oldest and most influential customs in history is the custom of chewing betel. This is a custom that dates back to the Hung King period and originates from the legend of Trau Areca and this custom has become a typical image of the brotherhood and love between husband and wife of Vietnamese people. Not only the custom of chewing betel, Vietnam also has another custom that was born in ancient times, which is the custom of welcoming the new year, also known as Tet - traditional Tet.
Officially Vietnamese (the language of the Vietnamese (Kinh) people). This is the mother tongue of about 85% of the Vietnamese population, along with nearly three million overseas Vietnamese, most of whom are Vietnamese Americans. Vietnamese is also the second language of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Although Vietnamese has vocabulary borrowed from Chinese and previously used Chinese characters (Confucian script) to write, then converted to Nom script, today Vietnamese uses the Latin alphabet, called Quoc Ngu. , with diacritics to write...
Folk theater has many forms and has existed for a long time such as Cheo singing, Tuong singing, water puppetry... and newer ones such as Cai Luong, folk opera. Cheo is a form of theatrical storytelling, using the stage and actors as a means of interacting with the public. The content of Cheo plays is taken from fairy tales and Nom stories, carrying profound realistic and ideological values, while also expressing Vietnamese ethnicity. Cheo stage is simple, with non-professional actors performing impromptu...