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Vietnam is a country on an S-shaped strip of land, located in the center of Southeast Asia, in the east of the Indochina peninsula, to the north by China, to the west by Laos and Cambodia, and to the southeast overlooking the sea. East and Pacific. Vietnam's coastline is 3,260 km long, and its land border is 4,510 km long. On land, from the northernmost point to the southernmost point (as the crow flies) is 1,650km long, from the easternmost point to the westernmost point the widest place is 600km (Northern region), 400km (Southern region), the narrowest place is 50km (Quang Binh).
Hello friends! Greetings are always valued by Vietnamese people in communication, it seems to bring smoothness and luck to a new beginning or a new day. Vietnamese people have a saying "Greetings are higher than the feast" to show respect and politeness in communication with the other person. Greetings also show the friendliness and hospitality of Vietnamese people. So, wherever you go in Vietnam or whoever you meet, you will receive a greeting!
Vietnam is one of the countries with a unique culture and unique features that no other country in the world has. The differences that create an impression on Vietnamese culture include costumes, customs, and cuisine. Hopefully the above useful information will help you better understand Vietnamese culture.
Cuisine is the term for the method of preparing food, the principle of mixing spices and the general eating habits of all Vietnamese people in Vietnam. Although there are more or less differences, Vietnamese cuisine still has the most general meaning to refer to all dishes that are popular in ethnic minority communities but are relatively popular in the ethnic community. Vietnamese...