VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Famous specialties in VietNam > Famous specialties in VietNam

Silkworm cake – Can Tho | Famous specialty of Can Tho city

In the group of specialties in Can Tho that “causes nostalgia” for tourists is silkworm cake. The hot silkworm cake is steamed on a charcoal stove mixed with the soft, thin skin (from a pork knife) mixed with rice, minced garlic, fried garlic, … bringing an extremely attractive flavor. When eating, diners enjoy with fish sauce, coconut milk, pickles or gotu kola,…

Can Tho specialtiesSilkworm cake – Can Tho specialty (Source: collected)

Address:  Tan Trao silkworm cake – 9 Tan Trao, Tan An, Ninh Kieu, Can Tho

Reference price:  20,000 VND/serving | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.

The specialties of each region of Vietnam carry within themselves the local lifestyle and the quintessence of nature there. The North cherishes delicate recipes, like a delicious bowl of bun thang that must be prepared for many hours. In the Central region, royal culinary traditions and typical spices blend in unique dishes such as lotus rice or spring rolls. Southern braised fish and sour soup come from abundant seafood resources, the pride of the Mekong Delta.

Cuisine is the term for the method of preparing food, the principle of mixing spices and the general eating habits of all Vietnamese people in Vietnam. Although there are more or less differences, Vietnamese cuisine still has the most general meaning to refer to all dishes that are popular in ethnic minority communities but are relatively popular in the ethnic community. Vietnamese...

Folk theater has many forms and has existed for a long time such as Cheo singing, Tuong singing, water puppetry... and newer ones such as Cai Luong, folk opera. Cheo is a form of theatrical storytelling, using the stage and actors as a means of interacting with the public. The content of Cheo plays is taken from fairy tales and Nom stories, carrying profound realistic and ideological values, while also expressing Vietnamese ethnicity. Cheo stage is simple, with non-professional actors performing impromptu...

Nha Rong Wharf and Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Branch, at 1 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City. This place not only displays artifacts associated with his life and career, but also especially marks the event that on June 5, 1911, President Ho Chi Minh left Vietnam from Nha Rong Harbor to begin his journey. traveling around the world to find a way to save the country and liberate the nation from the yoke of French colonialism...