Throughout the forest of Dong Giang district, there are many types of bamboo for bamboo shoots such as bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, dang… The bamboo shoot picking season is from May to September of the lunar calendar, the Co Tu girls and women here go into the forest early in the morning to pick bamboo shoots. When the bamboo shoots come back, they will be peeled off the old, hard outer shell, only taking the white, young inside. Depending on the processing method, cut long or circle. Usually, if you cook soup, make a mixed dish, then slice it, and if you stir-fry, cut it into round slices. The characteristics of bamboo shoots are very fragrant, not bitter, and boiled in boiling water still do not turn yellow.
The special thing about mixed bamboo shoots is that there is no need for sauce, soy sauce, shrimp meat or anything else. Just make a bowl of fish sauce with chili, spicy chili is enough. To make the dish more fragrant and fatty, take a little non-fragrant peanut oil with crushed compressed tubers, until it turns yellow.
Photo: Collectibles
The sweet and chewy aroma of Quang Nam forest bamboo shoots blends with the spicy and salty taste of fish sauce, the fleshy taste of peanuts is extremely attractive when enjoying.
Source: Collected internet.
The streets paint the lives of Vietnamese people. The streets here are not just for traveling. Streets and sidewalks are also places to shop, eat, meet for a cup of coffee, get a haircut or rest. Big cities are always full of life with the roar of millions of motorbikes, where you can feel a constant source of energy bubbling on every street.
Vietnamese people or Vietnamese people (sometimes simply called Vietnamese people) is a common noun to refer to the ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam. Some people believe that the origin of the Vietnamese people comes from ancient peoples living on the Chinese mainland, or the Tibetan plateau, others believe that the main origin is from the indigenous Vietnamese people. But based on recent research results, considering the formation of Vietnamese ethnic groups in the formation of other ethnic groups in the region, it can be said that all Vietnamese ethnic groups have the same origin. original, that is the Ancient Malay strain...
It's the economy of a developing country. From a poor and populous country, Vietnam has gradually recovered and developed after the devastation of war, the loss of financial aid from the former socialist bloc, and the weakness of its economy. concentrated economy. After 1986, with the Doi Moi Policy, Vietnam's economy made great progress and achieved an average economic growth rate of about 9% annually from 1993 to 1997. GDP growth was 8.5% in 1997, it decreased to 4% in 1998 due to the impact of the 1997 Asian economic crisis, and increased to 4.8% in 1999...
Located on the left bank of the Red River, Bat Trang commune is known for its rich historical tradition and unique craft village culture, good advantages for developing craft village tourism. Recently, Bat Trang commune was recognized as a tourist destination of Hanoi city.