VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Famous specialties in VietNam > Famous specialties in VietNam

Grilled Squid – Nghe An | Famous specialty of Nghe An province

  • Address:  Cua Lo beach has many restaurants serving grilled seafood

đặc sản Nghệ An làm quàIf you wonder what to buy in Nghe An as a gift or eat something delicious, try sipping delicious drinks from fresh squid and grilled seafood (Photo: Collectibles)

In the sunny and windy Nghe sea, squid, also known as jumping squid, is used to refer to fresh squid caught by fishermen and processed on the spot. The attractive point of grilled squid is the freshness of squid combined with sweet and sour sauce, or chili sauce.

Visitors can come here to enjoy the cool sea breeze, enjoy grilled squid and buy some delicious seafood to take home, what a wonderful experience. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.

Vietnam is a country on an S-shaped strip of land, located in the center of Southeast Asia, in the east of the Indochina peninsula, to the north by China, to the west by Laos and Cambodia, and to the southeast overlooking the sea. East and Pacific. Vietnam's coastline is 3,260 km long, and its land border is 4,510 km long. On land, from the northernmost point to the southernmost point (as the crow flies) is 1,650km long, from the easternmost point to the westernmost point the widest place is 600km (Northern region), 400km (Southern region), the narrowest place is 50km (Quang Binh).

Vietnam, whose national name is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a socialist country located at the eastern tip of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia, bordering Laos, Cambodia, China, and the sea. East and Gulf of Thailand. The territory of Vietnam has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era, starting with the states of Van Lang and Au Lac. Au Lac was annexed by the Trieu Dynasty in the North in the early 2nd century BC, followed by a period of Northern domination lasting more than a millennium. The independent monarchy was re-established after Ngo Quyen's victory over the Southern Han dynasty. This event paved the way for independent dynasties to succeed and then repeatedly win against wars of invasion from the North as well as gradually expanding to the south. The final period of Northern domination ended after the Lam Son insurgent army's victory over the Ming Dynasty.

Ao Dai not only enhances the gentle and loving beauty of Vietnamese women, but it also shows discreetness, modesty and strange charm. Ao dai today is becoming more and more diverse in shape, color, and pattern, but it still retains its traditional appearance.

Located on the left bank of the Red River, Bat Trang commune is known for its rich historical tradition and unique craft village culture, good advantages for developing craft village tourism. Recently, Bat Trang commune was recognized as a tourist destination of Hanoi city.