VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Famous specialties in VietNam > Famous specialties in VietNam

Grilled snails with green pepper – Can Tho | Famous specialty of Can Tho city

The “followers” of snails when coming to Can Tho cannot ignore the specialty of grilled snails with green pepper here. Snails are selected, soaked with rice water to release all the slime and then briefly boiled. Each snail is grilled on charcoal, both grilled and seasoned, especially green pepper, until the water in the snail boils. The scent of grilled snails with green pepper has attracted many customers. Snails are both crispy, sweet, and absorbed with spices, slightly pangolin of green pepper, eaten with laksa leaves.

Can Tho specialtiesGrilled green pepper tube – delicious specialty in Can Tho (Source: collectibles)

Restaurant address: 

  • Hoa Su Restaurant : Cai Khe Island Roundabout, Le Loi, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho
  • La Ca Restaurant: 118 Tran Van Kheo, Cai Khe, Ninh Kieu, Can Tho
  • My sister’s shop: 118/9/48 Tran Van Kheo, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho.

Reference price:  average 70,000 VND/disc | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.

Vietnam is located in the Indomalaya ecological region. According to the 2005 National Environmental Status Report, Vietnam is among the 25 countries with high levels of biodiversity, ranked 16th worldwide in terms of biodiversity and is home to about 16% of the world's biodiversity. species in the world. 15,986 plant species have been found throughout the country, of which 10% are endemic. Vietnam has 307 species of nematodes, 200 species of oligochaeta, 145 species of acarina, 113 species of springtails, 7,750 species of insects, 260 species of reptiles. , 120 species of amphibians, 840 species of birds and 310 species of mammals, of which 100 species of birds and 78 species of mammals are endemic. There are also 1,438 species of freshwater algae, accounting for 9.6% of the total number of algae species, as well as 794 species of aquatic invertebrates and 2,458 species of marine fish. In the late 1980s, a population of Javan Rhinos was discovered in Cat Tien National Park and it is possible that the last individual of this species in Vietnam died in 2010.

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