Postal code (Zipcode) of Thị trấn Thanh An is: 94512

Thanh An town, Vinh Thanh District, Can Tho city, Viet Nam

Vietnam has an area of 331,212 km², a land border of 4,639 km, a coastline of 3,260 km, and shares a maritime border with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand and with China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia through the East Sea. Vietnam claims sovereignty over two disputed geographical entities in the East Sea, the Hoang Sa archipelagos (which has lost control in reality) and Truong Sa

Vietnam is located in the Indomalaya ecological region. According to the 2005 National Environmental Status Report, Vietnam is among the 25 countries with high levels of biodiversity, ranked 16th worldwide in terms of biodiversity and is home to about 16% of the world's biodiversity. species in the world. 15,986 plant species have been found throughout the country, of which 10% are endemic. Vietnam has 307 species of nematodes, 200 species of oligochaeta, 145 species of acarina, 113 species of springtails, 7,750 species of insects, 260 species of reptiles. , 120 species of amphibians, 840 species of birds and 310 species of mammals, of which 100 species of birds and 78 species of mammals are endemic. There are also 1,438 species of freshwater algae, accounting for 9.6% of the total number of algae species, as well as 794 species of aquatic invertebrates and 2,458 species of marine fish. In the late 1980s, a population of Javan Rhinos was discovered in Cat Tien National Park and it is possible that the last individual of this species in Vietnam died in 2010.

Cuisine is one of the factors that create differences and characteristics of each country in the world. If when mentioning sushi, people will immediately think of Japan, kimchi is associated with Korea and Thailand with famous dishes such as tomyum, mango sticky rice, then when mentioning Vietnam, visitors will certainly not You can't miss pho, banh mi, banh xeo, crab noodle soup.

Folk theater has many forms and has existed for a long time such as Cheo singing, Tuong singing, water puppetry... and newer ones such as Cai Luong, folk opera. Cheo is a form of theatrical storytelling, using the stage and actors as a means of interacting with the public. The content of Cheo plays is taken from fairy tales and Nom stories, carrying profound realistic and ideological values, while also expressing Vietnamese ethnicity. Cheo stage is simple, with non-professional actors performing impromptu...