Postal code (Zipcode) of Thị xã Sơn Tây is: 12700

Son Tay town, Hanoi City, Viet Nam

Cuisine is one of the factors that create differences and characteristics of each country in the world. If when mentioning sushi, people will immediately think of Japan, kimchi is associated with Korea and Thailand with famous dishes such as tomyum, mango sticky rice, then when mentioning Vietnam, visitors will certainly not You can't miss pho, banh mi, banh xeo, crab noodle soup.

Cuisine is the term for the method of preparing food, the principle of mixing spices and the general eating habits of all Vietnamese people in Vietnam. Although there are more or less differences, Vietnamese cuisine still has the most general meaning to refer to all dishes that are popular in ethnic minority communities but are relatively popular in the ethnic community. Vietnamese...

The relic cluster of Ba Om Pond, Ang Pagoda, and Museum of Khmer Ethnic Culture located in Ward 8, Tra Vinh city is a famous scenic spot, cultural and historical relic of Tra Vinh province as well as the whole region. Mekong Delta region. This is also the pride of the KhMer bronze treasure.

Located on the left bank of the Red River, Bat Trang commune is known for its rich historical tradition and unique craft village culture, good advantages for developing craft village tourism. Recently, Bat Trang commune was recognized as a tourist destination of Hanoi city.

List of postal codes of all Wards of Thị xã Sơn Tây

No. Wards Zipcode
1Le Loi Ward
Le Loi Ward
2Ngo Quyen Ward
Ngo Quyen Ward
3Phu Thinh Ward
Phu Thinh Ward
4Quang Trung ward
Quang Trung ward
5Son Loc Ward
Son Loc Ward
6Trung Hung Ward
Trung Hung Ward
7Trung Son Tram Ward
Trung Son Tram Ward
8Vien Son Ward
Vien Son Ward
9Xuan Khanh Ward
Xuan Khanh Ward
10Co Dong Wards
Co Dong Wards
11Duong Lam Wards
Duong Lam Wards
12Kim Son Wards
Kim Son Wards
13Son Dong Wards
Son Dong Wards
14Thanh My Wards
Thanh My Wards
15Xuan Son Wards
Xuan Son Wards
No. Wards Zipcode