Postal code (Zipcode) of Xã Nhơn Hạnh is: 55268

Nhon Hanh Wards, An Nhon town, Pacify the province, Viet Nam

The North and North Central regions have a humid subtropical climate with 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The Central and South Central regions have a tropical monsoon climate, the extreme South Central and Southern regions have tropical savanna characteristics. At the same time, it is directly influenced by the trade monsoon climate, which often blows in low latitudes. The South often has a tropical savanna climate, hot and humid with two seasons: dry season and rainy season (from April-May to October-November). Every year, the cold and humid winter typical of the North contrasts with the warm atmosphere of Tet and spring in the South.

Vietnam is the homeland of diverse bloodlines. The community of 54 ethnic groups is divided into hundreds of smaller groups. Each ethnic minority maintains its own culture, with its own rituals, costumes, and language. The best way to learn about them is through practical experiences such as living with indigenous people, or learning how to weave fabric with unique patterns. National culture is always an attractive highlight of Vietnamese tourism.

Vietnam has an area of 331,212 km², a land border of 4,639 km, a coastline of 3,260 km, and shares a maritime border with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand and with China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia through the East Sea. Vietnam claims sovereignty over two disputed geographical entities in the East Sea, the Hoang Sa archipelagos (which has lost control in reality) and Truong Sa

Ao Dai not only enhances the gentle and loving beauty of Vietnamese women, but it also shows discreetness, modesty and strange charm. Ao dai today is becoming more and more diverse in shape, color, and pattern, but it still retains its traditional appearance.