Postal code (Zipcode) of Phường Tam Hòa is: 76110

Tam Hoa Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dongnai province, Viet Nam

Vietnam has an area of 331,212 km², a land border of 4,639 km, a coastline of 3,260 km, and shares a maritime border with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand and with China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia through the East Sea. Vietnam claims sovereignty over two disputed geographical entities in the East Sea, the Hoang Sa archipelagos (which has lost control in reality) and Truong Sa

Hello friends! Greetings are always valued by Vietnamese people in communication, it seems to bring smoothness and luck to a new beginning or a new day. Vietnamese people have a saying "Greetings are higher than the feast" to show respect and politeness in communication with the other person. Greetings also show the friendliness and hospitality of Vietnamese people. So, wherever you go in Vietnam or whoever you meet, you will receive a greeting!

Vietnamese people or Vietnamese people (sometimes simply called Vietnamese people) is a common noun to refer to the ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam. Some people believe that the origin of the Vietnamese people comes from ancient peoples living on the Chinese mainland, or the Tibetan plateau, others believe that the main origin is from the indigenous Vietnamese people. But based on recent research results, considering the formation of Vietnamese ethnic groups in the formation of other ethnic groups in the region, it can be said that all Vietnamese ethnic groups have the same origin. original, that is the Ancient Malay strain...

Officially Vietnamese (the language of the Vietnamese (Kinh) people). This is the mother tongue of about 85% of the Vietnamese population, along with nearly three million overseas Vietnamese, most of whom are Vietnamese Americans. Vietnamese is also the second language of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Although Vietnamese has vocabulary borrowed from Chinese and previously used Chinese characters (Confucian script) to write, then converted to Nom script, today Vietnamese uses the Latin alphabet, called Quoc Ngu. , with diacritics to write...