Postal code (Zipcode) of Xã Tân Quới is: 81612

Tan Quoi Wards, Thanh Binh District, Dong Thap Province, Viet Nam

Vietnam is a country on an S-shaped strip of land, located in the center of Southeast Asia, in the east of the Indochina peninsula, to the north by China, to the west by Laos and Cambodia, and to the southeast overlooking the sea. East and Pacific. Vietnam's coastline is 3,260 km long, and its land border is 4,510 km long. On land, from the northernmost point to the southernmost point (as the crow flies) is 1,650km long, from the easternmost point to the westernmost point the widest place is 600km (Northern region), 400km (Southern region), the narrowest place is 50km (Quang Binh).

Vietnam is the homeland of diverse bloodlines. The community of 54 ethnic groups is divided into hundreds of smaller groups. Each ethnic minority maintains its own culture, with its own rituals, costumes, and language. The best way to learn about them is through practical experiences such as living with indigenous people, or learning how to weave fabric with unique patterns. National culture is always an attractive highlight of Vietnamese tourism.

The specialties of each region of Vietnam carry within themselves the local lifestyle and the quintessence of nature there. The North cherishes delicate recipes, like a delicious bowl of bun thang that must be prepared for many hours. In the Central region, royal culinary traditions and typical spices blend in unique dishes such as lotus rice or spring rolls. Southern braised fish and sour soup come from abundant seafood resources, the pride of the Mekong Delta.

Hello friends! Greetings are always valued by Vietnamese people in communication, it seems to bring smoothness and luck to a new beginning or a new day. Vietnamese people have a saying "Greetings are higher than the feast" to show respect and politeness in communication with the other person. Greetings also show the friendliness and hospitality of Vietnamese people. So, wherever you go in Vietnam or whoever you meet, you will receive a greeting!