Cuisine is one of the factors that create differences and characteristics of each country in the world. If when mentioning sushi, people will immediately think of Japan, kimchi is associated with Korea and Thailand with famous dishes such as tomyum, mango sticky rice, then when mentioning Vietnam, visitors will certainly not You can't miss pho, banh mi, banh xeo, crab noodle soup.
Officially Vietnamese (the language of the Vietnamese (Kinh) people). This is the mother tongue of about 85% of the Vietnamese population, along with nearly three million overseas Vietnamese, most of whom are Vietnamese Americans. Vietnamese is also the second language of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Although Vietnamese has vocabulary borrowed from Chinese and previously used Chinese characters (Confucian script) to write, then converted to Nom script, today Vietnamese uses the Latin alphabet, called Quoc Ngu. , with diacritics to write...
Cuisine is the term for the method of preparing food, the principle of mixing spices and the general eating habits of all Vietnamese people in Vietnam. Although there are more or less differences, Vietnamese cuisine still has the most general meaning to refer to all dishes that are popular in ethnic minority communities but are relatively popular in the ethnic community. Vietnamese...
Hang Market (Hai Phong) was formerly the market of an ancient village called Du Hang (17th-18th centuries). The Du Hang village area was formerly agricultural land and a traffic hub, so Hang market became a place to meet, exchange, and buy and sell plants, animals, and farming utensils. The urbanization process spread to the suburbs, so today Hang Market is located entirely in the inner city, in Du Hang Kenh ward, Le Chan district, Hai Phong city. Even though many years have passed, the customs of exchanging agricultural goods of c
No. | Wards | Zipcode |
1 | Tam Duong town Tam Duong town | 30206 |
2 | Ban Bo . Wards Ban Bo . Wards | 30219 |
3 | Ban Giang Wards Ban Giang Wards | 30215 |
4 | Ban Hon Wards Ban Hon Wards | 30216 |
5 | Binh Lu Wards Binh Lu Wards | 30207 |
6 | Giang Ma Wards Giang Ma Wards | 30210 |
7 | Ho Thau Wards Ho Thau Wards | 30209 |
8 | Khun Ha Wards Khun Ha Wards | 30217 |
9 | Na Tam Wards Na Tam Wards | 30218 |
10 | Nung Nang Wards Nung Nang Wards | 30214 |
11 | Son Binh Wards Son Binh Wards | 30208 |
12 | Ta Leng Wards Ta Leng Wards | 30211 |
13 | Then Sin Wards Then Sin Wards | 30212 |
No. | Wards | Zipcode |