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Religion in Vietnam is quite diverse, including Buddhism (both Mahayana, Theravada and some modified groups such as Hoa Hao, Tu An Hieu Nghia); Christianity (including Catholicism and Protestantism); endogenous religions such as Cao Dai; and some other religions (Hinduism and Islam). Different types of folk beliefs also have a lot of influence. The majority of Vietnamese people consider themselves non-religious, even though they still go to religious sites several times a year...
Co To island district, Quang Ninh province is the only place in the country where President Ho Chi Minh agreed to erect a statue of him during his lifetime. Over more than half a century, the monument of President Ho Chi Minh facing the East Sea has always had a special place in the hearts of the people of the island district in particular and the whole country in general...
Nha Rong Wharf and Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Branch, at 1 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City. This place not only displays artifacts associated with his life and career, but also especially marks the event that on June 5, 1911, President Ho Chi Minh left Vietnam from Nha Rong Harbor to begin his journey. traveling around the world to find a way to save the country and liberate the nation from the yoke of French colonialism...
Hang Market (Hai Phong) was formerly the market of an ancient village called Du Hang (17th-18th centuries). The Du Hang village area was formerly agricultural land and a traffic hub, so Hang market became a place to meet, exchange, and buy and sell plants, animals, and farming utensils. The urbanization process spread to the suburbs, so today Hang Market is located entirely in the inner city, in Du Hang Kenh ward, Le Chan district, Hai Phong city. Even though many years have passed, the customs of exchanging agricultural goods of c