Cuisine is one of the factors that create differences and characteristics of each country in the world. If when mentioning sushi, people will immediately think of Japan, kimchi is associated with Korea and Thailand with famous dishes such as tomyum, mango sticky rice, then when mentioning Vietnam, visitors will certainly not You can't miss pho, banh mi, banh xeo, crab noodle soup.
Vietnam - a country winding in an S shape on the East Sea coast, has 54 ethnic groups with resilient, indomitable people, standing tall in the face of many wars of invasion; A country with lands with thousands of years of history. With beautiful natural scenery and precious and abundant natural resources, we - the children of Vietnam - are often proud when talking about our Fatherland, our homeland. Listeners are invited to join VOVLIVE to experience the beauty of the country and
With the support of the local government and cultural sector, 132 Ba Na ethnic households, Ro Ngao branch in Kon Trang Long Loi village, Dak Ha town, Dak Ha district, Kon Tum province built Successful Community Tourism Village, a destination for tourists from near and far when coming to Kon Tum. With the opening of a new economic industry, community tourism is helping people in Kon Trang Long Loi earn more income and improve their lives. This is also a good opportunity for people to preserve and promote traditional cultural values.
Hang Market (Hai Phong) was formerly the market of an ancient village called Du Hang (17th-18th centuries). The Du Hang village area was formerly agricultural land and a traffic hub, so Hang market became a place to meet, exchange, and buy and sell plants, animals, and farming utensils. The urbanization process spread to the suburbs, so today Hang Market is located entirely in the inner city, in Du Hang Kenh ward, Le Chan district, Hai Phong city. Even though many years have passed, the customs of exchanging agricultural goods of c