VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Destination > Nhat Le Beach

Visit Nhat Le Beach

Hai Thanh Ward, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province, VietNam

Throughout an S-shaped strip of Vietnam, there are many beautiful beaches that captivate people. Nhat Le beach (Quang Binh) is one of the places where heaven and earth blend together like that. With the wild and majestic scenery of the blue beach stretching all the way up and the white, smooth sand, Nhat Le beach has been voted as one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, definitely worth your conquest. . Let’s follow VNTRIP.VN to this beautiful beach!


DU lịch biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Nhat Le beach is wild and beautiful (Photo: Collectibles)

Nhat Le beach is located in the center of Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, located at the mouth of Nhat Le river flowing into the East Sea. Nhat Le possesses the most quintessential, poetic, and unique beauty of a beach worth conquering.

Nhat Le Beach is the most beautiful in which season?

If you are planning to go to  Nhat Le beach  , the best time to make your dream trip is in the summer from April to June. The ideal time for your summer experiences With the help of mild weather, sunny, less rainy, less stormy, suitable for swimming, relaxing and enjoying tourism services here.

Du lịch tại biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Summer is the most ideal time for a trip to Nhat Le beach (Photo: Collectibles)

Means of transportation to Nhat Le beach


Airplanes are still a perfect choice for those looking for a convenient, fast and comfortable vehicle. Currently, there are many airlines providing flights to Dong Hoi city such as Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar, Vietjet Air with routes from Hai Phong, Hanoi, Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh, … to Dong Hoi.

Cảng hàng không Đồng Hới Quảng Bình

Dong Hoi Airport welcomes many domestic flights every day (Photo: Collectibles)


Buses are the “most economical” means of traveling to Dong Hoi. There are many bus routes from provinces and cities to Dong Hoi, and the price for the bus is quite cheap: Hanoi – Dong Hoi falls between 220,000 – 250,000 VND, Saigon – Dong Hoi has an average fare of VND 220,000 – 250,000. VND 570,000 (varies depending on vehicle type, seat type).

You can contact the bus operator in Dong Hoi at phone number 052. 384 6222 to be able to find out more about the bus routes and driving times to Dong Hoi.

Bến xe khách Đồng Hới Quảng Bình

Dong Hoi bus station (Photo: Collectibles)


Train is also a way to experience if you want to enjoy the scenery along the way. If you go on a night trip, you should buy a bed ticket to have a comfortable sleep and gain strength for the upcoming trip; If you go during the day, you can buy a ticket for a comfortable and convenient seat. Train tickets Hanoi – Dong Hoi cost about 350,000 – 700,000 VND depending on the type of seat; Train tickets Saigon – Dong Hoi cost about 600,000 – 1,400,000 VND depending on the type of seat.

Ga Đồng Hới Quảng Bình

Dong Hoi Station (Photo: Collectibles)

After arriving in Dong Hoi city, you can take a motorbike taxi or taxi or rent a hotel near  Nhat Le beach  to make it easier to visit and relax here!

Places to visit when traveling to Nhat Le beach

Nhat Le Beach

Nhat Le beach is the beautiful “main character” of our trip. Gifted by God with extremely interesting and dreamy natural beauties,  Nhat Le beach  conquers the first sight of tourists by its endless stretch of white sand, outstanding against the sea and blue sky. like jade.

Ghé thăm bãi biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình hấp dẫn

Nhat Le Beach stands out with its white sand and turquoise blue sea (Photo: Collectibles)

With its outstanding scenery, when you  travel to Nhat Le beach,  it will satisfy all expectations and hopes of a dream trip to the beach. The sandy beach is smooth but hard enough for sports games on the sea such as football, volleyball, handball, …. Lying back on the hammock overlooking the vast sea, we feel like the color of the sea is mixing with the color of the clear blue sky. The beach is gentle with a depth that is safe enough for those who want to splash in the cool water. It is truly an ideal place for relaxation when you can breathe in the fresh air with the smell of the sea breeze and combine it with exciting sports activities on the beach.

Bãi biển Nhật Lệ thích hợp vui chơi và giải trí

The beach is suitable for relaxation and fun activities on the sea (Photo: Collectibles)

And if you have the opportunity to come to  Nhat Le beach , do not miss the moment to watch the sunrise on the sea or admire the sunset, the city lights up with distant lights of fishing boats sailing outside. sea. The scene is like a floating city in the heart of the vast ocean.

Hoàng hôn biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

The sunset picture in Nhat Le is so beautiful that it’s heartbreaking (Photo: Collectibles)

biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Beautiful scenery when looking at Nhat Le beach (Photo: Collected)

Nhat Le Bridge

From a distance, Nhat Le Bridge looks like a soft silk strip crossing the Nhat Le River. Standing from the top of the bridge looking down, we capture a large space of peace, quiet, and gentleness of the Nhat Le river. It takes 10 minutes for you to cross the Nhat Le bridge to have interesting experiences at the beach and enjoy the fresh specialties of the   lovely Nhat Le sea .

Cầu Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Nhat Le Bridge is like a silk strip crossing the river (Photo: Collectibles)

In the evening, when the lights are on, Nhat Le Bridge seems to be put on a new, more brilliant, sparkling, more majestic shirt. Invite each other to ride motorbikes to the bridge to enjoy the cool breeze, watching the city in the distance is really very romantic and attractive.

Cầu Nhật Lệ lên đèn

Nhat Le Bridge lights up, sparkling reflections on the river bed (Photo: Collectibles)

Bao Ninh beach village

Located in the east of Dong Hoi city, adjacent to  the beautiful Nhat Le  beach, Bao Ninh beach village is a favorite destination for those who come to  Nhat Le beach . Coming to this place, you not only immerse in the fresh and cool air of the sea but also discover the beauty in the life and culture of the fishermen here. In addition to the interesting traditional festivals held every year, coming to Bao Ninh beach village, you can choose and enjoy fresh dishes from the sea world with countless ways of processing. create an unforgettable impression in the hearts of tourists.

Làng chài Bảo Ninh - Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Simple beauty in Bao Ninh fishing village (Photo: Collectibles)

Setting foot in the fishing village of Bao Ninh is a picture of a rich life appearing before your eyes with boats parked close together preparing to go out with large catches; Those are traditional festivals, imbued with national cultural identity such as the majestic fishing ceremony or the shallow cotton dance with the girls in the village. All make up a fishing village of Bao Ninh with rustic beauty, true and unforgettable.

Làng chài Bảo Ninh

Boat roofs close together in Bao Ninh fishing village (Photo: Collectibles)

Lễ hội cầu ngư làng Bảo Ninh

The ceremony to pray for fish in Bao Ninh coastal village (Photo: Collectibles)

Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park

Starting from  Nhat Le beach , you can easily move to Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, a world natural heritage with an extremely unique and interesting structure. Coming to Phong Nha Ke Bang is coming to a famous scenic spot in five continents with its 7 bests.

Du lịch Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng

Phong Nha Ke Bang with magnificent natural scenery (Photo: Collectibles)

This is  the longest cave  with the total length of the cave up to 80km, in addition, Phong Nha Ke Bang also surprises visitors with the  highest and widest shops , typically Son Doong cave with 200m high and wide. 150m. Moreover, Phong Nha Ke Bang is also likened to an aquarium on the ground with the  most beautiful underground lake  system and  longest underground river in  addition to the  widest and most beautiful dry caves.  This place is also considered as a huge geological treasure with the  most magnificent and beautiful stalactite  systemIt contains an extremely complex geological development history. Tourists coming to this place have a feeling of surprise, overwhelmed by the mysterious, vast and strange natural space. The emulsions have flowed long with all shapes and colors, sparkling in the light and sunlight. The last thing that conquers tourists in Phong Nha Ke Bang is  the widest and most beautiful sandy and rocky beach.

Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng - Di sản thiên nhiên Thế giới

Phong Nha Ke Bang registered in the list of World Cultural Heritage with its 7 best (Photo: Collectibles)

 núi đá vôi với nhũ đá đầy màu sắc - Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng

The limestone mountains with colorful stalactites have conquered the lenses of the most demanding photographers (Photo: Collectibles)

Phong Nha Ke Bang has twice been assessed by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage site with the criteria of biodiversity and ecology with an area of ​​85,700 hectares of tropical primeval forest. This is the home and residence of 750 species of higher plants, more than 600 varieties and species of animals, including 66 rare animal species listed in the Red Book of Vietnam.

Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng - nơi trú ngụ của nhiều động vật quý hiếm

This is the home of countless rare animals and plants (Photo: Collectibles)

Bao Ninh Sand Village

Coming to Bao Ninh sand village, you will relive the heroic memories of the old years, the years when Quang Binh was still filled with smoke and bombs of the war against the invaders. The underground hospitals, clinics, and kindergartens are clear proofs of the atrocities committed by the enemy during the years of suffering of the people of Quang Binh. Seeing such difficulties in material conditions makes us love and understand the brave, indomitable and unyielding spirit of the revolutionary soldiers who did not mind the difficulties and dangers to fight and fight. win.

Làng cát Bảo Ninh

The people of the sand village are associated with life on the sand (Photo: Collectibles)

Coming to the sand village, we can experience the games that the children of the sand village play every day. In the morning, go to the beach to collect fish, clams, and crabs, then play on the porous sands, put your feet in and make funny sounds. In the afternoon, we go swimming together, build big sand castles or go digging sand to trap seagulls.

Quang Phu Sand Dunes

Quang Binh appears in the eyes of tourists with the impression that it is a very sunny and windy area, along with gentle golden sand dunes. Located 7 km from Nhat Le Bridge, Quang Phu Sand Dunes is an ideal destination for tourists on their journey to discover  Nhat Le Beach .

Cồn cát Quang Phú Quảng Bình

Quang Phu sand dunes are beautiful and soft (Photo: Collectibles)

Going along  Nhat Le beach  for about 10 minutes, we can see the golden sand dunes in the sun. You will walk from the main road, climb to a height of 10m above the ground to be able to capture a very special picture of nature: The white sand dunes, smooth and endlessly stretched. Coming here, you will feel like you are lost in a desolate desert, with no green trees, no cool lakes and ponds, but simply covered by endless sand dunes. Standing on the sand dunes looking down, we can see the panorama of Dong Hoi in front of our eyes with houses in the city, beach, airport and enjoy the sea breeze blowing our hair.

Cồn cát Quang Phú 01

You will have very interesting fun experiences in Quang Phu sand dunes (Photo: Collectibles)

Jumping rock

Jumping rock beach is a mountain complex located right on the sea. Travelers who follow National Highway 1A about 30 km to the North can set foot here. The beauty of the jumping rock beach is a harmonious combination between the majestic and dry features of the rocky mountains with the fresh and gentle beauty of the sea. Although not far from the city, the rocky beach has a wild and true beauty.

Bãi đá Nhảy

The wild beauty of the jumping rock (Photo: Collectibles)

Bãi đá Nhảy 01

Jumping rock beach (Photo: Collectibles)

Bãi đá Nhảy 02

Jumping rock beach (Photo: Collectibles)

Nhat Le beach tourism activities

Squid fishing on Nhat Le beach

For tourists who want to experience the fishing activities of the people here, they can participate in the experience “One day as a fisherman” with interesting activities such as squid fishing in the sea. You will be equipped with a personal life jacket and get to experience squid fishing with the help of a local. This is an extremely interesting and meaningful activity when you can go out with the fishermen at sunset, cast a rod and wait for the squids to bite, you can also grill the squid yourself. and enjoy on the boat, chat with the fishermen, listen more and their daily life and work. Squid fishing is both an entertainment activity and helps you better understand the hardships and difficulties of the fishermen on  Nhat Le sea .

Câu mực trên biển Nhật Lệ

Squid fishing on Nhat Le beach (Photo: Collected)

Fun activities at sea

With prime terrain with beautiful scenery,  Nhat Le beach  is a destination that attracts many tourists, so when you come to this place, you will enjoy the services and games on the sea extremely reasonable. animal. The long stretches of smooth sand are favorable conditions for beach sports such as volleyball, football, handball, etc. In addition, there are also adventure games such as skydiving or skateboarding. canoe on the sea,… Make sure you try all these games when you come to Nhat Le beach!

Hoạt động thể thao trên biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Experience sports on Nhat Le beach (Photo: Collectibles)

Walking on Nhat Le beach 

The long stretch of white sand beach is an extremely romantic setting for couples to walk together on the beach. Especially when the sunset turns red, the whole sky creates an ecstatic natural scene, which is the ideal time to hold hands with your lover or with a close friend to walk together on the beautiful beach. virtual in the fading afternoon sunlight. That scene, that light and also the sound of ocean waves and leaves rustling in the wind will definitely create a romantic and beautiful space no different from the scenes in the dramas, contributing part to create sublime emotions for your trip.

Dạo biển Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Hold your loved one’s hand and take a walk on this beautiful beach (Photo: Collectibles)

Sliding sand

A very new activity in your trip to discover  Nhat Le beach  is the sand slide game at Quang Phu Sand Dunes. After enjoying the panoramic view of Dong Hoi city from above, you can rent a sand sledge to slide down the hill. The sand dunes here are not too steep but gentle, visitors can play sandboarding without fear of danger but still enough to bring extreme moments. The sand dunes located right next to the beach create a very interesting contrasting picture. Sliding sand while admiring the strange natural scenery around will be a memorable highlight in your trip itinerary.

Trượt cát cồn cát Quang Phú

Exciting sandboarding experience (Photo: Collectibles)

Sống ảo tại Cồn cát Quang Phú

The sand dunes next to the sea create an interesting picture (Photo: Collectibles)


This is an interesting activity when you come to Phong Nha Ke Bang. You will have the opportunity to row a boat on the Chay River about 10 km long. Along the way, there are typical scenes of mountains, caves and forests in Phong Nha Ke Bang. You might think this is an activity for the adventurous but actually anyone can go kayaking. You will row a boat through the majestic mountains, the yellow flowers stretching along the riverbank or pass by the colorful riverside villages. Going to the end of Chay River, you will come to Mooc Spring with beautiful pebble beaches.

Chèo thuyền kayak - suối nước Mooc

Kayaking – an activity worth experiencing (Photo: Collectibles)

Swing like Spider-Man in Phong Nha Ke Bang

This game was officially put into operation in 2014 and is an outstanding adventure game that attracts the attention of international visitors when visiting Phong Nha Ke Bang in a very unique way – walking on a rope. With a cable length of 400m, visitors playing Zipline will enjoy a trip to visit Chay River – the mouth of Dark Cave while hanging in the air. After swinging all the way to the Chay River, visitors can row their own boat to the mouth of Dark Cave and then go deep into the cave to admire the amazing natural wonders in the cave. After coming back out, you can continue to swing out in the middle of the flowing river and then drop yourself in the cool, refreshing water. For travelers who like to experience adventure games, Zipline is an extremely great choice for you.

Đu dây như người nhện - động Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng

Adventure games attract visitors’ attention (Photo: Collectibles)

Đu dây như người nhện - động Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng 01

You will have very interesting check-in photos when participating in this game (Photo: Collectibles)

The specialties that cannot be missed in Nhat Le

Seabird specialties

People from far away coming to  Nhat Le beach  must definitely try this delicious specialty dish! The sea turtle is a type of sea snake, with a small body, about 1-2 meters long, with many nutritional values ​​or also used to treat diseases. Seagulls are processed in many different ways, but the most popular and favorite are bloodthirsty and ram layn.

The blood is taken and mixed with alcohol, which cures bone pain very well. The taste of wine soaked with blood has a slightly acrid taste, creating an unforgettable feeling. Women who drink a little alcohol help relieve dizziness, back pain, regulate the body and eat and sleep better.

Đặc sản đèn Biển

The blood is soaked to cook wine (Photo: Collected)

If their blood is soaked in alcohol, their meat is processed into ram, which is loved by many people. The spawns are cleaned, gutted and blood removed, chopped and marinated with spices. After being wet, the meat is packed into small pieces of ram and then fried, the taste is delicious, hard to forget.

Ram đẻn

Ram Sinh is a dish that is very popular with tourists (Photo: Collectibles)

There are also many other processing options such as porridge, stewed with chili pepper, stewed with traditional herbs, etc.

Hong Kong seafood

Coming to the sea, we come to very fresh and attractive seafood. Coming to Nhat Le coastal town of Rose  , sitting next to a restaurant along the stone embankment, you can also enjoy dishes made from fresh gifts from the sea: Squid, shrimp, crab,… The meat is firm, delicious, rich in nutrition, to the big oysters and clams, the meat is sweet and full of flavor. Because it is in the estuary area, there are all kinds of freshwater, marine and brackish water animals, giving tourists a rich menu and promising quality and unforgettable dishes!.

Hải sản đất hoa hồng đầy màu sắc

Seafood from the colorful Rose Land (Photo: Collectibles)

Sweet potato

Potatoes are a common food in this sunny and windy sea and yams are probably the most popular. Sweet potatoes are made from red sweet potatoes, after being boiled, they will be dried in the sun for 10-12 days. The plasticity of the potato will depend on the amount of sun exposure more or less. Sweet potato is easy to eat and delicious, so it has become a favorite dish of many classes and is often bought as a gift after a trip to the distant land of Quang Binh.

Khoai dẻo Quảng Bình

You can buy sweet potato as a gift for your trip (Photo: Collectibles)

Porridge soup

Porridge soup is an indispensable breakfast dish of Quang Binh people. Porridge soup from the outside does not look as sophisticated and beautiful as the pho bowls outside Hanoi, but has the rustic and genuine features of the people of Quang Binh. The bowl of porridge soup is a combination of many types of fillings such as fish, shrimp, and lean meat, but snakehead fish is an indispensable ingredient in this dish. Porridge soup served with chopped green vegetables has the sweet taste of fish and shrimp and the taste of vegetables, creating a nutritious and extremely satisfying breakfast.

Cháo Canh Quảng Bình

Quang Binh porridge soup (Photo: Collected)

Cassava flour filter cake, river shrimp

This is a very special dish, with bold and Quang Binh flavor. Cassava flour filter cake, river shrimp is a combination of filtered cassava cake, shrimp, wood ear mixed with spices. Each small filter cake is wrapped in a small shrimp with a little minced meat and mixed spices. When eating, the seller steams the cake to make it flexible and then dips it with Quang Binh fish sauce to create a memorable taste but still rustic love for the homeland.

Bánh bột lộc Quảng Bình

Simple and delicious filter cake (Photo: Collectibles)

Bánh bột lộc Quảng Bình 01

Cassava flour filter cake served with fine fish sauce and spicy fresh chili on the tip of the tongue (Photo: Collectibles)

Hotels in Nhat Le Beach

Some nice hotels and good prices right at Nhat Le beach you can book such as:

Sun Spa Resort & Villas- biển Nhật Lệ

Sun Spa Resort & Villas (Photo: Collectibles)

Sun Spa Resort & Villas- biển Nhật Lệ 01

Sun Spa Resort & Villas (Photo: Collectibles)

The resort has many luxury bungalows and villas. Interwoven with that is the landscape is arranged in harmony, bringing a natural feeling, close to visitors. The resort is located on a peninsula, one side is the sea, the other side is the gentle Nhat Le River. The space here is always filled with green with soaring coconut trees and many unique flower trees.

Sun Spa Resort & Villas- biển Nhật Lệ 02

Sun Spa Resort & Villas (Photo: Collectibles)

Sun Spa Resort & Villas includes 260 rooms in a large space with trees, gardens, swimming pools … divided into many types of rooms in Building area and Bungalow Villa area. The rooms are fully equipped with 4-star standard amenities. Spacious room, nice furniture, comfortable bed, desk, wardrobe, LCD TV, free wifi. Private bathroom comes with hot and cold, bathtub, robe, shower, free toiletries.

Sun Spa Resort & Villas has a restaurant area, organizes large events with a full range of modern sound, light and projector systems. You can organize it indoors or outdoors. This is the ideal wedding venue in Dong Hoi.

Sun Spa Resort & Villas- biển Nhật Lệ 03

Sun Spa Resort & Villas (Photo: Collectibles)

With a beautiful landscape, filled with green trees, a large swimming pool, and rooms facing the sea, coming here you can feel the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the salty taste of the central sea.

Mường Thanh Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Muong Thanh Luxury Nhat Le (Photo: Collectibles)

Muong Thanh Luxury Nhat Le Hotel has a total of 225 rooms, designed with a combination of sophistication and luxury, equipped with modern living amenities such as free wifi, flat-screen TV, cable TV, minibar. , seating area, bathroom equipped with robes, towels and accompanying cleaning tools.

Mường Thanh Nhật Lệ Quảng Bình

Muong Thanh Luxury Nhat Le (Photo: Collectibles)

Diverse services at the hotel include private beach, outdoor swimming pool, fitness room, sauna, massage service, restaurant, coffee shop, bar, 24-hour front desk.

With sea view, from the hotel you can admire the beauty of  Nhat Le beach . Or explore the wonders of the world such as Phong Nha – Ke Bang cave, Son Doong cave, …

Vinh Hoang Hotel

Vinh Hoang Hotel (Photo: Collectibles)

Vinh Hoang Hotel 01

Vinh Hoang Hotel (Photo: Collectibles)




Specialties that can be bought as gifts

Hai Thanh Rooster

Shrimp is a small creature with a fishy smell like shrimp and fish. In  Nhat Le beach , June’s spring rolls are the most delicious, as used in the Dong Hoi adage: “Jun’s ruc is dragon’s blood”. Juniper berries have the best taste and the most beautiful color. In the season of shrimp, the shrimp is marinated for a day, then squeeze it very hard to release the water to dry. After drying, the shrimp carcass is smooth, put into the round fish sauce, stir well and dry in the sun. When the island is fragrant, it can be used.

Ruốc Hải Thành

Dried shrimp (Photo: Collected)

Fresh shrimp can be used to cook vegetable soup, which is sweeter than shrimp. This rustic dish is like a food to save the hunger of the people in the central region and is present on every meal of the people here. This is definitely a specialty that you need to bring home after your trip.

Tan An rice paper

This is the main ingredient that makes the famous roll dish here. Rice paper is made from delicious rice, which is cleaned and ground into a mortar, mixed with peeled sesame seeds, and then dried on bamboo brocades. When the cake is dry, people bring it back to make the cake flat and then sell it at the market.

Bánh tráng Tân An

Tan An rice paper (Photo: Collected)

Rice paper can be used both to roll ram, and some to be used for baking. Here, Tan An cake is most popular for its quality that comes with its affordable price.  

Martial Arts Wine

Vo Xa wine is a famous pure rice wine in Quang Binh. This is a wine produced according to the traditional method with a combination of pure water in White Sand Cave and rural rice on a unique fermentation recipe.

Ruoc Vo Xa has a history of hundreds of years, and has long become a beauty in the culture and identity of the people living in the sea here.

Rượu Võ Xã

A gift for grandparents, uncles, and dads at home ( Photo: Collectibles)

Sweet potato

As mentioned above, soft potatoes are a very interesting specialty in Quang Binh, well received and loved by all ages, so choosing soft potatoes as a gift to bring home is also very popular with tourists.

Khoai dẻo Quảng Bình 02

Quang Binh Sweet Potatoes (Photo: Collected)

Above are the  Nhat Le Quang Binh beach travel tips  that VNTRIP.VN wants to share with you. Hurry up and pack your bags and enjoy a memorable trip! | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.