VIETNAM DESTINATIONS > Destination > Temple of the Holy Mother Lieu Hanh

Visit Temple of the Holy Mother Lieu Hanh

Princess Lieu Hanh Temple in Quang Binh

The location of Mother Goddess Lieu Hanh Temple

From the center of Dong Hoi city, follow National Highway 1A to the North for about 65 km. You will go to Princess Lieu Hanh Temple in Quang Binh. Located close to the foot of Deo Ngang mountain in Quang Dong commune, Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province is the temple of Saint Mother Lieu Hanh. A place to worship one of the four immortals of Vietnamese folk beliefs.

Origin of legend

Lieu Hanh is said to be the second princess of the Jade Emperor named Quynh Hoa. As the mother who governs the sky, the goddess is the head of the system of Tam Phu and Four Palaces worshiping the Mother religion of the Vietnamese people. The shrine of Saint Mother Lieu Hanh located on the Hoanh Son mountain range is also the place marking her birth here.

Princess Lieu Hanh Temple in Quang Binh

Leaving Mother Lieu Hanh in Quang Binh

Temple of the Mother Goddess Lieu Hanh has a total area of ​​nearly 350 m². From the outside to the inside are the temple gate, the screen, the three-way gate, the two unicorn-headed pillars in front of the shrine, the Tien temple, and the Hau temple built of stone, brick, and lime. Every year, the management board of relics of the temple of Saint Mother Lieu Hanh pays special attention to preserving and embellishing the images at the temple such as: Four spirits, four hands, and four quarters.

These are symbols associated with the good thoughts and dreams and aspirations of the ancient Vietnamese. So that visitors will have the opportunity to better understand the origin. In which the mother is a symbol of wishing people always towards health and fortune.

Wishing Good Luck – Peace in the New Year

The sacred atmosphere of the Mother Temple

From the outside to the inside are the temple gate, the screen, the three-way gate, the two unicorn-headed pillars in front of the shrine, the Tien temple, and the Hau temple. Looking at the overall architecture of the temple, we see that this is a small architectural work, built of stone, brick, and lime, but still carries the Asian aesthetic tradition and preserves the national cultural identity.

Exquisite architecture of Mau Temple

This is reflected in the structure of the three-way gate, which is arranged in a symmetrical, balanced and harmonious way, showing honesty and integrity, and is also the dream of people to show the solemnity of the temple. The architecture of the temple is not sophisticated but very meticulous and caring, the decoration art is quite delicate with skillful porcelain tiles.

Tam Quan Gate of Princess Lieu Hanh Temple

Spiritual images

The images like the four spirits include dragons, unicorns, and worshipers; four hands include holding, exam, exam, painting; The four quarters include juniper, bamboo, apricot, lotus and many symbols of chrysanthemum turn dragon, mai turn dragon, and Tung Hoa dragon. Every detail is arranged very harmoniously with the general layout, highlighting the unique features of the temple both in terms of architecture and construction, artistic ideas and clear meanings of culture and people’s good wishes. . In particular, looking at the architectural layout of the temple, which is arranged in order from low to high along a vertical axis, balanced and symmetrical, it is this layout that adds to the dignified part of Princess Lieu Hanh temple.


Inside the Holy Mother Temple

The Mau Temple is located at the foot of Hoanh Son Quan

The temple to worship Princess Lieu Hanh in Deo Ngang is the southern end that remains intact in terms of the architecture of Mother Lieu Hanh’s temple like the custom of worshiping Mother in Phu Giay. The temple is a testament to the legend of Princess Lieu Hanh in Deo Ngang, in folk legends that have existed for a long time. Therefore, the relics of Princess Lieu Hanh temple in Deo Ngang, in terms of its size, style and position in the development history of Vietnamese folk beliefs, are worthy of our respect and preservation. .

Overall diagram of Lord Lieu Hanh temple in Quang Binh

Preservation of Mau Temple relics

Experiencing many historical events, but today, the temple is located at the foot of Hoanh Son mountain. Still preserving the cultural values ​​of the nation and being visited and worshiped by many tourists from all over the world. In order to express the spirit of drinking water to remember the source, educating people towards the good things in life.

Spiritual Tourism Destination

Today, when Quang Binh tourism develops and expands, more tourists come to visit.  Princess Lieu Hanh Temple in Quang Binh  is a meaningful spiritual destination. Helping tourists near and far have the opportunity to know the cultural characteristics of Mother worship of the Vietnamese people in a past historical period. | Discovering the Vietnam

Source: Collected internet.